There Will Be A Day---and it's TODAY!!  

Monday, March 2, 2009

I'll spare most of the words for now...I know you just want to see the pictures anyway!! :-) It's been a wonderful, blessing of a day...we couldn't be more pleased...GOD IS GOOD! Gabriel is precious (and is going to be a handful--very energetic! and very smart and very talkative...we skyped with A & E earlier and we couldn't even speak to them because he talked the whole time) His name for now is Ah-gwahn (don't know how to spell it, but that's what it sounds like)...He loves his guh-guh (big brother, J) and favored S a bit over me for the first few hours, but we played on the computer together and I fed him his dinner and gave him his bath (which he loved) and so now we're getting along great. enjoy the pics...more to come and I'll see if I can get a video in here, too! Much love ~ d

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