There Will Be A Day---and it's TODAY!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
I'll spare most of the words for now...I know you just want to see the pictures anyway!! :-) It's been a wonderful, blessing of a day...we couldn't be more pleased...GOD IS GOOD! Gabriel is precious (and is going to be a handful--very energetic! and very smart and very talkative...we skyped with A & E earlier and we couldn't even speak to them because he talked the whole time) His name for now is Ah-gwahn (don't know how to spell it, but that's what it sounds like)...He loves his guh-guh (big brother, J) and favored S a bit over me for the first few hours, but we played on the computer together and I fed him his dinner and gave him his bath (which he loved) and so now we're getting along great. enjoy the pics...more to come and I'll see if I can get a video in here, too! Much love ~ d
Monday, March 2, 2009 at 7:56:00 AM EST
Look at G's sweetness! And it's even sweeter now that he is surrounded by his family! March 2, 2009, a life changing day for all of you, and especialy for G! Praying that the Lord would bring peace to his heart in the days that lie ahead, and that He would surround you all in His love.
Rejoicing with you in Texas! Oh happy, happy day!!
Blessings to your family of six!
Tina and family
Monday, March 2, 2009 at 8:01:00 AM EST
Yeah!!!! The Lord is AMAZING! I love the pic of S, G and J walking - precious! I can't wait for the pic of J, A, E and J walking at the Alexandria Community Park! What a blessed day that your family is officially 6!
Monday, March 2, 2009 at 8:03:00 AM EST
So happy for you all! What a wonderful sight, to see him in your arms. I LOOOOOOOOOVE the one of holding hands with Daddy and Big Bro walking down the hall. That's a framer :)
Monday, March 2, 2009 at 9:25:00 AM EST
Rejoicing with you this morning! G is so darn cute, what a blessing from Heaven. You have waited so long for this moment, prayed for this moments, longed for it, dreamed of it... Finally here and completely blessed by the Lord! We'll keep praying for you my friend!
Hugs and prayers.
Monday, March 2, 2009 at 10:18:00 AM EST
Oh my gosh I am just covered with chills as I look at your pictures. He is just perfect and looks great! How great is our Father to have brought you on this journey. I will continue to pray for you in the days ahead. I can't wait until you are home and we both have our families together at last.
Blessings from Jackie and the whole Egan family
Monday, March 2, 2009 at 1:03:00 PM EST
Oh my goodness you finally have G...tears tears..we are so so excited. Can't wait to see you and G...lets plan a Gotcha day celebration when you get home.
Love and prayers
Monday, March 2, 2009 at 2:38:00 PM EST
Congratulations!! G is adorable! We are so happy for all of you to finally be united as a family. We will continue to pray for bonding in the days to come but it looks like you are off to a great start. Can't wait to see you when you get back.
Love and Blessings,
The Marens
Monday, March 2, 2009 at 4:01:00 PM EST
congrats! wonderful pics. I recognized Nanning quickly!
Monday, March 2, 2009 at 8:45:00 PM EST
Wow!!!! I am so excited to finally see pictures of G with his family! My computer isnt working, but just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!
Monday, March 2, 2009 at 9:42:00 PM EST
SOOOOO Excited!!!!!