A little piece of heaven in China
Monday, March 2, 2009
We've been passing the time this morning and early afternoon until it's time to get G (just and hour and a half now!!) Our wonderful guide, David, took us to WalMart to get some snacks and drinks and although it was quite wonderful, it's not the piece of heaven I'm referring to...
I actually found a few nice bargains on the clearance rack of all places (not surprising if you know me) and they had my coat...the exact one I'm wearing!
It was a little strange to see the coat I bought 5 miles from my house on the opposite side of the world. WalMart brings us all together!! :-) After WalMart, we came back to the hotel and made sure we were all ready to get G...his backpack is ready, my bag is packed, camera and video camera have fresh batteries and plenty of space on the memory cards...we're set!
J decided he needed a little nap, so S and I went on a little walk. We had heard lots of good things about the park behind the hotel and we were not disappointed. Even in just the few minutes we were there (and we only saw about 1/4 of it) it was GORGEOUS! I can't wait to bring G here in the next few days...
Update on our friends who went to Fujian and got their daughter yesterday....smooth as silk transition...Praise God! We skyped a few minutes ago and all is well. (that's not her picture...just a cute little girl at the park.... )
Well...the time is nearly upon us...I think I'll get off here and spend some quiet time before the Lord asking for Him to be right beside us (He is already...) Love you all...next post should include our newest family member ~ love, d
Monday, March 2, 2009 at 7:37:00 AM EST
Can't wait to meet G! I hope and pray everything goes smoothly with his transition! I am sure he is going to run into your and S arms and love each of you guys instantly!