All Clear at the Medical Exam
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Sorry I've been lazy (busy)...things continue to go well with G's transition....we were a bit concerned for a few days because he didn't recognize dad's authority very well...thought dad and big brother were both playmates and mom was the authority (not good since he'll be spending most afternoons with Dad), but J and I have gone on a few short shopping excursions and left Dad and G to spend some alone time and the authority issue seems to be improving a bit.
FYI...We're staying at the Holiday Inn Shifu in Guangzhou which is about 3 or 4 blocks off Shamian Island and for anyone coming to GZ soon, I do recommend it. The rooms are HUGE and the hotel is only a few years old, so everything's very nice. The breakfast buffet is large and very good...the staff is very friendly and helpful...It takes just about 15 minutes to walk to Shamian or just a short 8 yuan taxi ride; and here's the kicker--about half the price of the White Swan, I believe. So for those of you on the economy tour as we are, it's the way to go. (The only thing I'm really missing compared to the White Swan is the playroom, but we're managing without it. )
This picture is at the Chen Family Museum and is reminded me of G's life verse; Isaiah 40:31, "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength...they shall mount up on wings like eagles; they shall walk and not grow weary; run and not grow faint" I've loved that verse and love things that remind me of it...God is good!
FYI...We're staying at the Holiday Inn Shifu in Guangzhou which is about 3 or 4 blocks off Shamian Island and for anyone coming to GZ soon, I do recommend it. The rooms are HUGE and the hotel is only a few years old, so everything's very nice. The breakfast buffet is large and very good...the staff is very friendly and helpful...It takes just about 15 minutes to walk to Shamian or just a short 8 yuan taxi ride; and here's the kicker--about half the price of the White Swan, I believe. So for those of you on the economy tour as we are, it's the way to go. (The only thing I'm really missing compared to the White Swan is the playroom, but we're managing without it. )
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 at 10:09:00 AM EDT
Oh! I love that doctor in the last picture. Here's why:
When Li'l Empress came to us, she attached to Daddy quickly and took a bit more time with me. Not unattached by any means, just more tentative or ambivalent for a few days.
The day of her exam, Daddy held her in his arms thru the deep, gross, flood waters from the WS to the exam (see our archives for the gross details!). When we got there, she was happy to stay in Baba's arms (as had become usual for her).
However, when this dear man examined her, all she wanted was Mama. When he was done, she wrapped herself around ME like a little spider monkey. And has been a Mama's girl with growing attachment and intensity ever since! :) And really, that has nothing to do with the good doctor after all :)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 at 2:29:00 PM EDT
Thanks for the update! The pictures are great! Love the embroidered eagle as the perfect picture for G's life verse! Don't you just love those reminders from the Lord that He is right there in your midst?
The picture of G eating tomato sticks is so sweet, he's such a handsome little man. Teddi came to us with the famed tomato sticks, and offered me a bite of hers on the way back to our hotel from Gotcha. My fondest memory of tomato sticks! :)
Happy to hear that G and Daddy are having some productive bonding time while you shop. If you happen into Susan's Place while shopping ( behind the Christian church on Shamain) make sure you have some tea, and tell Dong and Susan hello from Tina and Bryan in Texas.
Happy to hear that G's medical exam went well. I'm sure you are getting ready to head for home and see your other babes!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 1:35:00 PM EDT
Loving the pictures! Glad the doctor appointment went well and that you are getting in some good retail therapy! Loving the pictures of your family but can't wait to see the first pictures of all of you together.
Each time I look at all the pictures, I am reminded of how prayed for this little guy has been, truly prayed home!
Thanks for the help with my retail therapy too:)