Cancel that....
Monday, January 4, 2010
Ok, so about 4 hours ago I was proudly sharing the tale of my precious, WISE child G, right? How he so WISELY shared his joy of being part of our family and how great a year it had been because we'd come to get him from much he loved us and would be with us FOREVER...hmmm...
Seems tonight at dinner he has changed his precious, little 4-year-old mind...He very matter-of-factly told me at the dinner table that he didn't like me, he likes his China mom...he doesn't want to live here anymore, he'd like to go back to her house....He wasn't upset or anything; just decided he was done with me.
oh well...tomorrow's another day...I'm sure he'll change his mind again (more than once, I'm guessing) Kids...gotta love 'em (and I sure do and ALWAYS will no matter how they feel about me on any given day) blessings....D