We Have Arrived!  

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Yay!! We touched down in Beijing after 24 hours in the air (or in connecting airports) We are at the hotel now and doing some quick emails and going to bed! I think I only got about 3 hours of sleep Tuesday night and about four 20 minute naps in the past 24 hours that we've been flying...so I'm kinda pooped! (But I intentionally stayed up as much as I could on the plane, so that I could transition to China time easier...we'll see if that works!)

Tomorrow''s touring starts at 9:00 am (8:00p Thu at home) and we'll see T Square (too tired to look up the spelling), Forbidden City, Olympic Village, Peking Duck Dinner...Saturday will include Living Hope Orphanage tour, The Great Wall and Chinese Acrobat show...Maybe a few other things I can't remember right now.

We miss everyone already (especially A & E!!) Thanks for your continued prayers while we travel!! Keep 'em comin'!!

Here we are at the start of our trip:

Time to get some much-needed sleep!! See you tomorrow!! blessings ~ doreen

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