Wednesday, May 27, 2009
J and G sharing some delicious McDonald's fries...
G's pretty happy about running in the preschool fun run
E and A, got ribbons, too!!
Mother's Day with all my kiddos--finally!
E got brave and finally got her ears pierced (after 45 minutes of getting up in the chair then changing her mind and getting back out...and quite a few tears...) WAY TO GO E!!
Things are going really well as we continue to transition into our new life. G is happy and healthy and was clearly chosen by God to be a part of our family because he fits just like a puzzle piece--perfectly! J and A and E have also adjusted well to their new little brother--they love him dearly and fight with him just like siblings are supposed to. I think the latest shock for me has been the exponential increase in our grocery bill--G's a PIG!! He's first to the table and last to finish and it's not because he eats slow...He's gained at least 3 or 4 pounds in 2 months. As I was going through several dozen pictures his orphanage gave us of his last few years with his foster family, I realized that in at least 1/3 of the pics, he has food in his hands. The kid can eat!! I'm thankful to know he didn't go hungry in China and I don't think he's going to here, either.
School's almost out for the big kids and while that brings the promise of some relaxed schedules for the summer, it also means we have to get through end of the year school projects, testing, awards programs, concerts and other busy stuff. We've nearly made it...add in a 4 week transfusion schedule and other evaluations we're still getting from various doctors and life's been a bit hectic to say the least. I'm not complaining...just trying to remember to take a moment to breath...
On that note, I think I'll call it a night...Trying to keep you a little bit posted on what's going on...hopefully the smiling faces tell the best story. blessings ~ d
Wednesday, May 27, 2009 at 11:47:00 PM EDT
Great update!
I got the package, thanks so much for sending it! Elina was thrilled. That bath pic of G looks SOOOOOOOO much like E!!!!!
Talk to you soon!
Take care,
Thursday, May 28, 2009 at 3:08:00 AM EDT
I love catching up! Sounds like life is good!
Praying for you friend,
Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 8:16:00 PM EDT
Love the pics - what beautiful smiles on all of them! Happy summer for you all :)