FINALLY!!! Good News!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
(okay, so it's Thursday and I really got this great news on Monday but I've been running around screaming at the top of my lungs and so I know most of you have already heard it and so...well...I'm lame! Just pretend like you're surprised....)
This was us receiving and signing the blessed document (the mail carrier came and went without a trace so you don't get to see a picture of the actual delivery!) Following signature, we immediately sent it back to our agency to be returned promptly to China. We're now looking at about a 2-4 weeks to get our Travel Approval followed by 2-4 weeks until we get on a plane to FINALLY be united with our precious son.
There's much I should be saying, but my mind just won't settle down enough to say it right now...I might be in a more comtemplative mood later, but right now I'm rejoicing in the freedom of having that hundred-pound-'wait' off my shoulders. Praise God for His Great Gifts...D